I've been talking a lot about how I'm behind in my Goodreads challenge, and it occurred to me that there are probably other people in the same boat. What better way to catch up on your challenge than reading short books?
I've put together a list of some of my favorite short books in each of eight categories. I didn't put individual page counts, but the range is with the category name and I listed them from shortest to longest. Every single book here is fewer than 300 pages, and most are under 250. No matter what kind of short books you want to read to catch up, you'll (hopefully) find something you'll like!
I've put together a list of some of my favorite short books in each of eight categories. I didn't put individual page counts, but the range is with the category name and I listed them from shortest to longest. Every single book here is fewer than 300 pages, and most are under 250. No matter what kind of short books you want to read to catch up, you'll (hopefully) find something you'll like!
Picture Books (24-40 pages)
Nonfiction (88-290 pages)
Novellas (100-226 pages)
Comic Books (111-256 pages)
Books in Verse (156-210 pages)
Middle Grade (182-286 pages)
Classics (184-251 pages)
YA (210-288 pages)
What are your favorite short books? Tell me in the comments - I need some advice for this, too!
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