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The Longest Books I've Ever Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme: Longest Books I've Ever Read.

I don't read a ton of long books, but I certainly have read a few! I'm glad that this isn't a post I've done in the past, though, because the list wouldn't have changed all that much. Most of the books in my top ten longest have been there for a very long time.

OK, some rules for this. Firstly, I'm not counting multiple books in the same series. Otherwise, this would be almost entirely books in the same couple of series, and that's no fun. If there are other books in the series that are at least as long as the ones on this list, I'll give them a quick mention in the slot for the one that is included. Secondly, I'm just going with whatever the page count is on my shelf on Goodreads. With some of these, there's a lot of editions with wildly varying page counts, and I don't have time to try and figure out exactly how many pages my copy of the book had.

So, in ascending order:
THE ILIAD by Homer - 683 pages: I read this as a summer assignment before my senior year of high school, and honestly, I might have skimmed through a few sections because it was getting a bit repetitive. This is also in verse, so not the entire page was taken up by words.

EMPIRE OF STORMS by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass #5) - 693 pages: I cannot believe I read nearly 700 pages of this. I enjoyed most of it while I was reading it, but pretty much immediately on finishing it, my thoughts turned to what the hell did I just read. And I'm not going to finish the series.

THE YEAR I TURNED SIXTEEN by Diane Schwemm - 720 pages: I wasn't sure whether to count this because it was originally published as four separate books, but it was rereleased as this giant one, so I'm going to say it's one book. I don't really have a lot of memories of this book besides one giant spoiler, so I'll just say that I was disappointed.

LADY MIDNIGHT by Cassandra Clare (The Dark Artifices #1) - 720 pages: This felt so much shorter because I was just flying through it! I love this book so much, and I'm glad that there are over 700 pages of it for me to enjoy. Other long books in this series: LORD OF SHADOWS (701 pages).

CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE by Cassandra Clare (The Mortal Instruments #6) - 725 pages: This is going to count as a separate entry because even though it's not the only book on this list from the Shadowhunter world, it is the only book from this specific series. I really don't remember a lot about this.

BREAKING DAWN by Stephenie Meyer (Twilight #4) - 756 pages: I read this in elementary school, which was...maybe a bit too soon. I do remember that it was my favorite in the series, which makes it good that it was the longest!

THE SWEET FAR THING by Libba Bray (Gemma Doyle #3) - 819 pages: This book is so much longer than the others in the series, and to me, it was a little bit of a let-down. I understand why it ended the way it did, but I wasn't very happy with it while reading, which made that my overall impression of the book.

WINTER by Marissa Meyer (Lunar Chronicles #4) - 827 pages: Another really long book that I absolutely flew through! I remember when I first got it, I was so surprised by how small it looked - the pages were so thin! It actually took me a while to get used to that and not try to turn about four pages at once!

HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX by J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter #5) - 870 pages: Ah, yes, the absolute brick of the Harry Potter series. This book isn't my favorite of the series, but in all the times I've reread it, I haven't found anything to cut out that would make it closer in length to the other books. It's this long because it needs to be. Other long books in this series: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (759 pages), HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE (734 pages).

A STORM OF SWORDS by George R.R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire #3) - 1178 pages: These are the longest books I've ever read by far, and I really don't see any other books getting close in the foreseeable future. Other long books in this series: A DANCE WITH DRAGONS (1125 pages), A FEAST FOR CROWS (1061 pages), A CLASH OF KINGS (1010 pages), A GAME OF THRONES (695 pages).
What are the longest books you've ever read? Tell me in the comments!


  1. Wait we both read the Twilight series in elementary school? Look at us in the club of "reading books beyond our age capacity". WOOT! (I also read this series with my mom which was... interesting?)

    1. That was DEFINITELY not the best reading experience I've had, but I couldn't imagine reading it with my mom!

  2. I maxed out in the 700s with my books. I really am not a fan of those giant tomes, but I have read many Cassandra Clare and SJM books, which are all pretty long.

    1. Yeah, I had quite a few of those in either my top 10 or really close! It's big fantasy series that always do that.


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