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Movie Adaptation Review: The Hate U Give

I am so lucky to be in a place where THE HATE U GIVE was released early! I've been wanting to see this movie for the longest time, and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it on opening weekend.

Getting the basic stuff out of the way first: the movie was excellent. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen. It was so powerful, and emotional, and just beautifully done. It's a story we need right now, and I'm glad it's able to reach as many people as possible.

There were changes made from the book, but they were all so good! The movie adaptation doesn't need to be exactly like the book to be a good adaptation. Personally, I thought that the modifications were some of the most powerful and thoughtful parts of the movie, and they all fit in so seamlessly to the original plot that they didn't feel like additions.

One of my favorite parts about the whole thing was the environment I saw it in. I haven't been in a theatre that packed since I went to the opening night of The Last Jedi. Seriously, the only two things I can think of that measure up to that crowd are Star Wars and Harry Potter. Everyone was so engaged with the movie, crying and laughing together, and I couldn't imagine a better movie-going experience. (I can't say a lot of specifics because major spoilers, but it was great.)

If you have the chance to see this movie, I highly recommend it.
Are you going to see The Hate U Give? Once you do, tell me your thoughts in the comments!


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