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Showing posts from February, 2017

February Wrap-Up

I'm gonna be honest here : February's been rough. I'm surprised that I g ot a whole month's worth of posts up. I can 't really go into all the details right now, but the biggest thing is that I've had a migraine for almost two month s now and it's really getting in the way of me doing things. I've been to the doctor and gotten an MRI , but we're still w a iting on the results . So that's been messing with everything else in my life. Reading-wise, that means tha t I've been turning to audiobooks a lot. There are times that I literally don't have the energy to do anythi ng more than lie in the dark, but with audiobooks, I can get some amount of reading done even then. If you guys ha ve an y audiobook recomm endations, send them my way!   THE BOOKS PRODIGY by Marie Lu (Legend #2): I didn't like this one as much as LEGEND. I didn't think the plot was as interesting, and it was also pretty predictable. It set up the ...