What's this? A Lost in My Library post on a day that 's not Tuesday or Friday? Must be a wrap-up! Because I've arbitrarily decided that the calenda r is more important than my blogging schedule. (But let's also ca ll this my Tuesday post because I don't have anythin g tomorrow and I'm really not up for three posts a week right now.) I can't believe that October is over! I'm in the middle of midterms right now (well, kind of - my classes this semester are weird with midterms) , and it feels like I was just moving in a couple of wee ks ago. And things are moving quickly in a number of ways - it snowed this week! The snow only sta yed on the ground for abou t a day, and it 's go ing to be warmer for at least a couple of weeks, but still - SNOW. This wrap-up is definitely a bit longer than my wrap-up from last month - I'm finally getting the hang of balancing my schedule to allow for more reading ! I'm not reading as much as I usually...