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Showing posts from August, 2018

How Long is Too Long Between Books?

Here's something I haven't tried in a while: a discussion post. And I'm not really sure that I have enough thoughts on this particular subject to make it a particularly in-depth one, but it's something that I've been thinking about for a while, and I'm interested in getting some other opinions. The central question is this: how long is too long to wait between reading books in a series? I don't think there's an exact answer for this, but there are two recent examples from my reading life that suggest that there might be some kind of limit. A few weeks ago, I went through my to-read shelf in an effort to take a lot of books off of it. There were quite a few unfinished series on there, such as the REBEL OF THE SANDS series. I read the first book around two years ago, shortly after it was released, and really enjoyed it. However, when the second book was released, I just never got around to it. And now, the whole series has been released and I...

Most Anticipated August Books

Welcome to round two of my most anticipated books! August isn't a month with too many new releases, but there are a couple that I'm really excited about. So, without further ado, here are my top priority August books!   HERETICS ANONYMOUS by Katie Henry - August 7th • interesting examination of faith • atheist at a Catholic school? this will be interesting • I always need more queer Jewish characters • I can find out what happened in the universe where I went to Catholic school, which was a distinct possibility at one point     RUIN OF STARS by Linsey Miller (Mask of Shadows #2) - August 28th • really loved the first book in this series • the ending wrecked me though and I need to find out what happens • I've heard there's even more queer representation in this one? which is always amazing What are some books you're looking forward to in August? Tell me in the comments!