So far, 2018's been off to a pretty good start reading-wise. I read a new favorite (DEAR MARTIN by Nic Stone - nearly read it in one sitting, and it was absolutely incredible!), got through quite a few books I'd been meaning to read for a while, and read almost entirely 4 and 5-star books! That doesn't mean I didn't have any disappointments, but they were far outweighed by the good books. I've decided to only do mini reviews for months where I've read fewer books, because months like this can lead to really long wrap-up posts really quickly. That said, here's a quick summary of my reading month: READING CHALLENGE PROGRESS Beat the Backlist Challenge: 15/70 (all except THE UPSIDE OF FALLING DOWN) Nonfiction Reading Challenge: 1/20 (QUEER, THERE, AND EVERYWHERE) Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge: 1/10 (THE UPSIDE OF FALLING DOWN) Finishing the Series Challenge: 1/1-4 series (Scarlet Witch series) 2018 Debut Author ...