Where did November go? It seems like Halloween was only a couple of weeks ago! And I didn't read a lot, either - sure , 7 books is pretty good, but 2 were read -in-one-sitting picture books. I'm definitely going to do better next month. Frankl y, I can't think of anything that happened in my life in November that was exciting eno ugh to share. Thanksgiving happened - my favo rite holiday! I w ent to my aunt an d un cle's house, since going all the way across the country for such a short break would have been more chaotic than anything else. And my aunt is an amazing cook, which made Thanksgiving dinner perfect. I'm also busy preparing for finals - I can't believe my first semester is almost over! Everything started going by so quickly in September, and it hasn't slowed down. M aybe that's why I haven't been reading as much . It d oesn't really feel like I'm spending as much time not reading, when it's really a lot more. But I di...