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Most Anticipated Reads: First Half of 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme: most anticipated reads for the first half of 2017.

Wow, it's been ages since I've done a most anticipated list! In case you were wondering, my excitement for upcoming books is as high as ever. It was so hard narrowing this list down to just ten, but I think I figured out the ten books that I'm most excited for in the first half of next year! I have a good mix of sequels and standalones (but only one debut, so there won't be a lot of overlap with the debuts TTT in a few weeks). Here are some of the books that I just can't contain my excitement about:
OUR OWN PRIVATE UNIVERSE by Robin Talley - January 31: I love Robin Talley, and this book sounds like it's going to be so good! And it's going to have so much intersectionality! And the colors on that cover are just so aesthetically pleasing.

DREAMLAND BURNING by Jennifer Latham - February 21: I ran across this book randomly on Goodreads one day, so I read the description and it absolutely hooked me. I think this book might destroy me, but I'm so ready to let that happen.

THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas - February 28: The hype for this book has been unreal, and from what I've heard, it deserves 100% of it. And it's an incredibly important book right now, so I'm really glad about the hype!

ALWAYS AND FOREVER, LARA JEAN by Jenny Han (Lara Jean #3) - April 4: I was so happy to find out that this book was really happening! We all thought that this was just going to be a duology, but we've been gifted with more adorableness! I'm so excited!

THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED by Becky Albertalli - April 11: So SIMON VS THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA is pretty much my favorite contemporary ever, so if you tell me we're getting more Becky Albertalli, I will read that ASAP, no matter what it is. My hopes are high for this one!

THE PEARL THIEF by Elizabeth Wein - May 2: If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you probably know that CODE NAME VERITY is basically my favorite book ever. And there's going to be a prequel!! I can't even describe my excitement for this.

A COURT OF WINGS AND RUIN by Sarah J. Maas (ACOTAR #3) - May 2: I wasn't in love with ACOTAR, but ACOMAF absolutely blew my mind and I NEED to know what happens next! I hope that this book is even longer than the second one because I need more! (I'm also really surprised that there still hasn't been a cover reveal for this one.)

THE NAMES THEY GAVE US by Emery Lord - May 16: I love Emery Lord, and the premise for this book sounds really neat! And just look at that cover. Gorgeous! (And slightly related - if you're not following Emery Lord on Twitter, please do yourself a favor.)

THE CROWN'S FATE by Evelyn Skye (The Crown's Game #2) - May 16: I absolutely loved THE CROWN'S GAME, and with that ending, I need the second book in my hands as soon as possible. Yesterday would be ideal, but I guess I can wait until May. If I have to.

ONCE AND FOR ALL by Sarah Dessen - June 6: More Sarah Dessen! When I heard she was taking a break from writing, I was envisioning a 5+-year gap of sadness with no new books. But just two years later, here we are! And it looks so good.

What are some of your most anticipated books? Are we waiting on any of the same ones together? Tell me in the comments!


  1. I have The Pearl Thief in my list too! I'm not entirely sure my heart can handle reading that prequel but I'm still super excited for it. Since you're a fan of Elizabeth Wein's books, I wonder if you've read her earlier series, The Lion Hunters? I love those too.

    1. I know the prequel's going to break my heart, but I know I'm going to read it anyway - how could I not? I haven't gotten around to The Lion Hunters yet, but I really want to! I'm glad to hear you like them.

  2. Sarah Dessen is an author I have always wanted to try but have yet to get around to. Maybe I'll make some time in the coming year. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love Sarah Dessen's books! My favorites of the ones I've read so far are Saint Anything and Lock and Key.

  3. I'm so excited for The Pearl Thief!

  4. Sarah Dessen is definitely there, because well it's Sarah Dessen and also wedding planning involved? Sign me up. I'm also looking forward to A Court of Wings and Ruin and Always and Forever, Lara Jean.

    1. Once and for All looks like it's going to be so good! The wedding planning is going to make a really interesting backdrop for the plot.

  5. The Hate U Give sounds like it's going to be really good! I can't wait to read it, especially because of how important it is right now. I haven't read Code Name Verity yet, but I really want to, so the Pearl Thief looks amazing (that cover though)! The Names They Gave Us sounds like it's going to be wonderful as well! I've only read one Emory Lord book, but I'm looking forward to reading more.

    1. I've heard nothing but amazing things about The Hate U Give so far! And you NEED to read Code Name Verity!! I think I've forced everyone I know in real life to read it by shoving my copy in their face and forcing them to read it, but since I can't do that over the internet, just imagine that's what I'm doing. You need to read it. And you should definitely read more Emery Lord books! They're all so good.

  6. I just read a review of The Upside of Unrequited. It's a little juvenile for my taste but I'd love to hear what you think of it when you get to it.

  7. Hadn't heard about the book before this week's lists, but THE HATE U GIVE sounds like a really interesting read. I haven't added it to my TBR just yet, but I am excited to see what everyone thinks of it! i hope you enjoy it : )

    1. Thanks! I've seen so much hype about this book, and I'm really happy about that.

  8. This is a whole heap of good books to be looking forward to. A couple of these had missed my radar so I'm off to take a look and add them now. ALso, I've never read a Robin Talley book but I always see good things about all of them. I think she is an author I am going to have to get reading soon.

    1. I'm so glad I could introduce you to something new! And I HIGHLY recommend reading a Robin Talley book (or two, or three). I haven't read all of hers yet, but I'm definitely going to!


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